Star Wars, Expanded Universe – Phil and Chuck return with an in-depth look at the entirety of the Star Wars universe with a special edition “4 For the Fourth” event in celebration of Star Wars Day!
In this fourth installment, they dive into the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which includes comic books, video games, spin-off films like The Clone Wars, television series, and other media. These spin-offs have been responsible for the introduction of a number of incredible new characters such as Ahsoka Tano, as well as the deeper development of many beloved characters such as Darth Maul. May the 4th be with you!
Video Timecodes:
0:00 – Welcome!
0:52 – Best character in Star Wars?
1:48 – Anakin and Ahsoka get the short end…
5:51 – Solo: Popular or polarizing?
6:51 – Solved! The “Kessel Run” plot hole…
7:15 – Star Wars fatigue creeps in?
8:15 – “Don’t face a Skywalker in a hallway!”
11:02 – Baby Grogu: A brilliant creation…
12:45 – The Future of Star Wars
15:09 – “Expanded” Maul