The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 5, Return of the Mandalorian – Phil and Chuck return with an episode-by-episode look at one of our new favorite shows in the Star Wars universe!
The Book of Boba Fett explores the backstory of the mysterious bounty hunter and the deeper significance of Boba Fett’s new history with the Tusken Raiders. We ride along with him and mercenary Fennec Shand on the sands of Tatooine, as they traverse the galaxy’s underworld and fight for Jabba the Hutt’s old territory.
In episode 5, the Mandalorian reunites with the survivors of his tribe to find out more about the Darksaber before traveling to Tatooine with new gear to meet Fennec Shand and Boba Fett to discuss the upcoming war. That’s right, it’s the season premiere of The Mandalorian!
Video Timecodes:
0:00 – Welcome!
0:43 – Best episode goes to… The Mandalorian!
1:31 – Boba Fett or The Mandalorian? Who’s story is this…
3:58 – Phil’s fan theory: Paz Vizsla is Jon Favreau?
4:57 – The “Helmet Dilemma”
6:47 – Anakin’s Phantom Menace starfighter?
8:26 – “Wizard!” (a.k.a. head-slapping moments…)
9:17 – “Say hello to my little friend!”