Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight: Series Episode 1, The Goldfish Problem – Phil and Chuck dive into the first Marvel Cinematic Universe show of 2022, which brings us into deep cut Marvel territory!
Marvel Studios’ new Moon Knight series takes us into the twisty-turny world of former US Marine Marc Spector. Operating as a mercenary in Sudan, he turns on his colleague Raoul Bushman when the latter kills an archeologist as the man’s daughter watches. Mortally wounded by Bushman, Spector dies in front of a statue of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu who revives him with a mission to serve as the “moon’s knight.”
Moon Knight has had multiple comic series since his 1975 debut, with a loyal cult following, but he wasn’t a well-known character to non-comics fans until Marvel Studios’ announcement of the series. Join Phil and Chuck as they chat about the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most complex character yet!
Video Timecodes:
0:00 – Welcome!
1:01 – The “Grant Perspective”
3:07 – Marc Spector psychosis explained…
4:13 – A refreshing, new twist on a cult classic!
5:38 – Ethan Hawke’s “cringeworthy” performance
6:23 – Paging Doctor Strange?
7:55 – Wizards, aliens, and androids: Marvel and the big three…
8:43 – A Venom-esque psychic connection…
10:22 – “Fantastic” town of Doctor Doom?